Brothers Karamazov Hotel reservation

Thank you for choosing Brothers Karamazov Hotel. To proceed to booking, please complete this form, and you will then be able to see the accommodation options available.

Why book with us?

Low rates. All hotel rooms booked through this website are guaranteed to be at a same rate or lower than the rate when you book from the hotel directly.

Free visa support. If you need a Russian Travel Visa, we can provide free-of-charge the visa support documents necessary for you to apply at your local consular department or Russian visa center.

Attention to detail. We know each hotel inside out, and we always ensure our clients get the very best accommodation available. For example, we will look at the available options in your chosen category and ensure that you get the room with the most space or with the best view. No international booking system can offer this level of attention to detail.

Attention to your requirements. Whatever your requirements, whether you want a bottle of champagne and bouquet of flowers awaiting you in your room or need rail tickets bought and delivered to your hotel, we are always happy to help.