Museum of Urban Electrical Transport

A collection of historic trams and trolleybuses, this museum is housed in a former transport park and has over 50 exhibits.

  • Historic YaTB-1 Trolleybus from the Museum of Electrical Transport on the streets of St Petersburg, Russia
    Historic YaTB-1 Trolleybus from the Museum of Electrical Transport
  • Excursion in Museum of Urban Electrical Transport in St Petersburg, Russia
    Excursion in Museum of Urban Electrical Transport
Address:77, Sredny Prospekt
Open:Standard Russian-language tours at 10 am, 11:30 am, 2 pm and 4 pm. For English-language tours and private tour with your own interpreter - please call.
Telephone:+7 (812) 321-5404
Admission:Adult: RUB 230.00. Students/children: RUB 65.00
Photo and video:free/included
Accessibility note:Sorry, this museum is not wheelchair accessible.